
Phobias are specific fears that become excessive to real dangers. Those with phobias will go to any lengths just to avoid the things that they fear. People who have phobias can go through physical symptoms like fast heart beat.

Phobias can be developed from anything or any situations. The most common are the following:

  • Social phobia – the person feels anxious about how they are perceived by others. They also fear that they will be humiliated at social events, on a show or when they are speaking publicly.
  • Agoraphobia – this is the fear of leaving the home; going to crowded and public places and travelling alone.
  • Phobias that are very specific to events like fear of spiders, heights, mice, needles, enclosed spaces, thunder, flying, darkness, dentistry, eating some foods, public toilets, or injury or blood  

When the person begins to feel anxious because of his fear, he may begin to have fast heat beats or to faint. These symptoms are scary and are also related to secondary fears of going mad, losing control or dying.

Coping strategies

Do a list of situations or things that will make you anxious. The patient should also imagine less frightening things when he is doing relation techniques. For instance, if someone if afraid of spiders, he should try to look at a spider’s picture and end the session with thinking that he is actually touching the spider. With professional help, this technique has been proven effective. The person with a phobia may also opt to put himself directly in the situation to help him face his fears. This should be done with a therapist or someone whom the patient trusts. This technique is called the exposure technique. For instance, if the patient is afraid of flying, then going on a plane might help cure the fear.